Thursday, July 7, 2011

In the beginning....

I have now been in the non-profit sector for about 6 months, 3 months volunteering and 3 months (and counting) as a part-time employee for an non-profit organization. I am really enjoying myself and this experience.  Although it doesn't feel completely rewarding yet. I do have days where I get a few positive take-aways, but as far as my journey to make an impact, it is still very early. I am new at this so I don't expect anything to happen overnight, especially when you're working with youth. I can say that I am really starting to learn that it does take a lot of observing and communication. Knowing how to interact with those who you are serving and those who you are trying to help is very key.

I have been mentoring and coaching at-risk youth in Chicago's south-side for the past 3 months.  I have had to deal with disgruntled parents, obnoxious opponents, and, while difficult at times, promising young men. It takes a lot out of you to coach 10, 11, and 12 year olds, especially since it is such a crucial time period in their development  as athletes and as men.  Growing up and playing sports, I really didn't notice how difficult it could be. But now I see and now I know. Having practices and games, and dealing with kids and parents are just the on-the-field portion of my duties. There is the whole other business side as well. Trying to fundraise, market, network, and budget, while continuing to learning about the field of non-profits.  Being involved with a smaller organization, it can be a challenge to raise money. Funding is essential to the organization's existence. Without adequate funding we would no longer be able to offer the things that we can. In the past, before my time, here my current non-profit, did lose funding and had to concentrate on just one sport, baseball. Previously, they offered soccer, and softball as well. I am working on an after-school program for our kids, so that we can stay connected and help them with school matters as well. Overall, there is a lot of work that goes into non-profits, but I am certainly up for the challenge.  And I will continue to tell my story as it goes along.